Ankle Fractures

The best care
The ankle joint is primarily a hinged joint which is made up of three bones. The proximal two bones of the upper part of the ankle are the of the shin bone (tibia) and the lateral strut bone (fibula). These bones form a tight mortise and articular (cartilage) surface to interact with the bottom bone which is termed the talus. The talus provides the inferior dome which has a significant amount of articular cartilage. These bones are encircled by joint capsule and accompanying ligamentous attachments to provide stability to the joint. The spectrum of ankle fractures is quite vast and your surgeon will discuss your specific mechanism and type of bony and/or soft tissue injury which may or may not require surgical intervention. Conservative treatment often includes placement of either a non weight bearing or weight bearing cast. The use of a walking boot, which may be taken off so skin care can be performed and showering and bathing made more convenient may also be an option. If your fracture requires surgical intervention, site specific and size specific implants may be required in the form of plates and screws. This securely reconstructs both bony and ligamentous structures for anatomic healing and return to stable function. On rare occasions, certain types of fractures require surgical reconstruction with thin wire and pins in conjunction with external fixation (erector set to the outside of the leg to stabilize the internal bones and soft tissue) or a circular ring type fixator. These options all vary depending in the nature of each injury. You should discuss all treatment options with your physician.